Deep Learning Voices
San Francisco GDG
12 November 2018
About Me
- Machine Intelligence / Startups / Finance
- Moved from NYC to Singapore in Sep-2013
- 2014 = 'fun' :
- Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP
- Robots, drones
- Since 2015 = 'serious' :: NLP + deep learning
- & GDE ML; TF&DL co-organiser
- & Papers...
- & Dev Course...
About Red Dragon AI
- Google Partner : Deep Learning Consulting & Prototyping
- SGInnovate/Govt : Education / Training
- Products :
- Conversational Computing
- Natural Voice Generation - multiple languages
- Knowledgebase interaction & reasoning
- Problem : Generating Speech Audio
- Background
- WaveNet(s)
- New directions
- Wrap-up
WaveNet v1
- DeepMind splash in Sept-2016 :
Parallel WaveNet
- Another 'Big Splash' in Oct-2017 :
- Blog Post with Assistant announcement
- Only a teaser explanation of why it is now practical
- Followed up with more detail in Nov-2017 :
Goal = Parallel
New Training Process
Noise → Distribution → Sample → Distribution
(optimise for distributions being the same)
Significant Google engineering effort...
Based on 'Glow' from OpenAI
Lots of activity right now...
- WaveNet started out as very good but very expensive
- ... but that proved it was worth optimising
- Lots of opportunity for innovation
* Please add a star... *
Deep Learning
MeetUp Group
8-week Deep Learning
Developer Course
- 25 September - 25-November (2017)
- Twice-Weekly 3-hour sessions included :
- Instruction
- Individual Projects
- Support by Singapore Government
- Location : SGInnovate
- Status : FINISHED