Diving into GoLang

Kaggle & the Reverse Game-of-Life

Martin Andrews / @redcatlabs

5 June 2014


Who I am, what I'm doing this year


  • Introduction
  • What is Kaggle?
  • Kaggle Reverse-GoL Competition
  • Benchmarking Stuff
  • Revese-GoL Strategy: Genetic Algorithms
  • Go : The Good Bits
  • Go : The Bad Bits
  • The Kaggle Thing
  • End Result

Kaggle Competitions

Kaggle Home Page

Standard Game-of-Life


Kaggle Reverse-GoL

  • Standard Game-of-Life iterates board FORWARDS
  • Kaggle competition is to do the REVERSE ::
    • Given an ending board, what was the starting board {1, 2, 3, 4 or 5} steps ago?
  • Each board is 20x20
  • 50,000 board test-set

Board Densities

Simple visualization of nature of problem

Density given Uniform start

Training Examples

(also checking that board code works)

Examples of board iteration

Single 'delta' = 5

Reverse GoL Issues

Game-of-Life idioms
  • Information loss
  • Scoring system
  • Speed-of-light : delta=n -> 2^(nxn)


Speed of Board iteration is VERY IMPORTANT

Game-of-Life Animation

Image source: Weisstein, Eric W. "Game of Life."
From MathWorld -- A Wolfram Web Resource.

Python : NumPy-style

"NumPy is C-Speed"

import numpy

def iterate(Z):
    # find number of neighbours that each square has
    N = numpy.zeros(Z.shape)
    N[1:, 1:] += Z[:-1, :-1]
    N[1:, :-1] += Z[:-1, 1:]
    N[:-1, 1:] += Z[1:, :-1]
    N[:-1, :-1] += Z[1:, 1:]
    N[:-1, :] += Z[1:, :]
    N[1:, :] += Z[:-1, :]
    N[:, :-1] += Z[:, 1:]
    N[:, 1:] += Z[:, :-1]
    # a live cell is killed if it has fewer 
    # than 2 or more than 3 neighbours.
    part1 = ((Z == 1) & (N < 4) & (N > 1)) 
    # a new cell forms if a square has exactly three members
    part2 = ((Z == 0) & (N == 3))
    return (part1 | part2).astype(int)
glider = numpy.array([[0,0,1],

Z = numpy.zeros((22,22), dtype=numpy.int)
Z[1:1+glider.shape[0], 1:1+glider.shape[1]] = glider

Time for 65k timesteps : 8.7s

Python :

"Tell Python about C Kung-Fu"

class BitField:  # Always surrounded by zeroes
    bitarr = []
    def __init_COUNT_BITS():
        #print "__init_COUNT_BITS()"
        for x in range(0, 1<<9):
            cnt = bin(x).count('1')
        return arr
    COUNT_BITS = __init_COUNT_BITS()
    del __init_COUNT_BITS
    def __init__(self, n_rows=22, n_cols=22, numeric_array=None):
        self.n_rows=n_rows # Includes the padded region
        self.n_cols=n_cols # Includes the padded region
        self.bitarr = [ 0 for i in range(0, self.n_rows) ]
    def iterate(self):
        ## These are constants - the game bits pass over them
        tb_filter  = 7
        mid_filter = 5
        current_filter = 2 
        for r in range(1, self.n_rows-1):
            r_top = self.bitarr[r-1]
            r_mid = self.bitarr[r]
            r_bot = self.bitarr[r+1]
            acc = 0
            p = 2 # Start in the middle row, one column in
            for c in range(1, self.n_cols-1):
                cnt = self.COUNT_BITS[
                  ((r_top & tb_filter) << 6 )|
                  ((r_mid & mid_filter) << 3 )|
                   (r_bot & tb_filter)
                #if True: acc |= p  # Check bit-twiddling bounds
                # Return next state according to the game rules:
                #  exactly 3 neighbors: on,
                #  exactly 2 neighbors: maintain current state,
                #  otherwise: off.
                #  return alive == 3 || alive == 2 && f.Alive(x, y)
                if (cnt==3) or (cnt==2 and (r_mid & current_filter)) : 
                    acc |= p  
                # Move the 'setting-bit' over
                p <<= 1
                # Shift the arrays over into base filterable position
                r_top >>= 1
                r_mid >>= 1
                r_bot >>= 1
        self.bitarr = arr_new

glider = [[0,0,1],

z = BitField(numeric_array=glider)

Time for 65k timesteps : 19.0s

Go : Array-Style

"Is Go even worth it?"

// See : http://golang.org/doc/play/life.go
// go run speed_bool.go 
package main

import (

// Field represents a two-dimensional field of cells.
type Field_BoolArray struct {
 s    [][]bool
 w, h int

func NewField_BoolArray(w, h int) *Field_BoolArray {
 s := make([][]bool, h)
 for i := range s {
  s[i] = make([]bool, w)
 return &Field_BoolArray{s: s, w: w, h: h}

// Alive reports whether the specified cell is alive.
// If the x or y coordinates are outside the field boundaries they are not wrapped
func (f *Field_BoolArray) isSet(x, y int) bool {
 if(x<0 || x>=f.w) {
  return false
 if(y<0 || y>=f.h) {
  return false
 return f.s[y][x]

// Next returns the state of the specified cell at the next time step.
func (f *Field_BoolArray) IterateCell(x, y int) bool {
 // Count the adjacent cells that are alive.
 alive := 0
 for i := -1; i <= 1; i++ {
  for j := -1; j <= 1; j++ {
   if (j != 0 || i != 0) && f.isSet(x+i, y+j) {
 // Return next state according to the game rules:
 //   exactly 3 neighbors: on,
 //   exactly 2 neighbors: maintain current state,
 //   otherwise: off.
 return alive == 3 || alive == 2 && f.isSet(x, y)

func (f *Field_BoolArray) Iterate(next *Field_BoolArray) {
 // Update the state of the next field (next) in-place from the current field (f).
 for y := 0; y < f.h; y++ {
  for x := 0; x < f.w; x++ {
   next.Set(x, y, f.IterateCell(x, y))

Time for 65k timesteps : 2.0s

Go : Bit-Twiddle-style


const board_width  int =20
const board_height int =20

// Board represents a two-dimensional field of cells.
type Board_BoolPacked struct {
 s    []int32
 h,w  int // Only used for GENERIC functions

var count_bits_array [512]byte

func build_count_bits_array() {
 for x := 0; x < 512; x++ {
  cnt := byte(0)
  for i := uint(0); i < 9; i++ {
   if x&(1< 0 {
  count_bits_array[x] = cnt

var board_empty *Board_BoolPacked

// NewBoard_BoolArray returns an empty field of the specified width and height.
func NewBoard_BoolPacked(w,h int) *Board_BoolPacked { // OPTIMIZED FOR BoolPacked
 if board_width > 22 {
  fmt.Print("TOO LARGE AN ARRAY for bottom 3 bytes of int32!\n")
 s := make([]int32, board_height+2) // Need padding before and after
 return &Board_BoolPacked{s: s, h:board_height, w:board_width}

// Set sets the state of the specified cell to the given value.
func (f *Board_BoolPacked) Set(x, y int, b bool) { // OPTIMIZED FOR BoolPacked
 //  The (+1,+1) offsets are to account for the zeroed-out borders
 if b { //  This is a set=TRUE
  f.s[y+1] |= (1 << uint(x+1))
 } else { //  This is a set=FALSE
  f.s[y+1] &= ^(1 << uint(x+1))

// Alive reports whether the specified cell is alive.
// If the x or y coordinates are outside the field boundaries they are not wrapped
func (f *Board_BoolPacked) isSet(x, y int) bool { // OPTIMIZED FOR BoolPacked
 return (f.s[y+1] & (1 << uint(x+1))) != 0

// Update the state of the next field (next) in-place from the current field (f).
func (f *Board_BoolPacked) Iterate(next *Board_BoolPacked) { // OPTIMIZED FOR BoolPacked
 // This is done rather over-efficiently...

 // These are constants - the game bits pass over them
 top_filter := int32(7) //  111
 mid_filter := int32(5) //  101
 bot_filter := int32(7) //  111

 current_filter := int32(2) //  010

 next.s[0] = 0
 for r := 1; r <= board_height; r++ {
  r_top := f.s[r-1]
  r_mid := f.s[r]
  r_bot := f.s[r+1]

  acc := int32(0)
  p := int32(2) // Start in the middle row, one column in (000000010b)

  for c := 1; c <= board_width; c++ {
   cnt := count_bits_array[
           ((r_top&top_filter)<<6) |
           ((r_mid&mid_filter)<<3) |

   // Return next state according to the game rules:
   //  exactly 3 neighbors: on,
   //  exactly 2 neighbors: maintain current state,
   //  otherwise: off.
   //  return alive == 3 || alive == 2 && f.Alive(x, y)

   if (cnt == 3) || (cnt == 2 && ((r_mid&current_filter) != 0)) {
    acc |= p

   // Move the 'setting-bit' over
   p <<= 1

   // Shift the arrays over into base filterable position
   r_top >>= 1
   r_mid >>= 1
   r_bot >>= 1
  next.s[r] = acc
 next.s[board_height+1] = 0

func init() {
 fmt.Print("init() called\n")
 board_empty = NewBoard_BoolPacked(board_width, board_height)

Time for 65k timesteps : 119ms

'Standard Forum Approach'

Look at transitions from n-by-n patches

Transitions 3x3

Image source: Christopher Hefele : 3x3 transition graph (Kaggle Forums)

Genetic Algorithms

"Think Different" compared to other Kagglers

Genetic Algorithm

Image source: Genetic algorithms and evolution strategies, http://lion.disi.unitn.it/

GA Implementation

  • Starting population is just the ending grid + noise
  • Cross-over swaps sections of the starting grids
  • Mutation picks an error point and applies a 'patch' that fixes the error
  • Played around with :
    • Running on multiple cores
    • Running on multiple machines

GA Search : Success?

Works - but inaccurate

Converges quickly (inaccurate, though)

GA Search : Progress...

Likely to converge further (IMHO)


GA Search : Fail...

When it doesn't work

Non-Converging example

Go : The Good Bits


Language Style Time for 1000x
65 iterations
Python NumPy 8.7s
Python Bit-Twiddle 19.0s
Go Array 2.0s
Go Bit-Twiddle 119ms

Easy to Pick Up

  • Benchmarking done on a Sunday
  • Lots of C/C++ knowledge transferrable
  • Much less boiler-plate than expected
  • Standard libraries very well constructed

Overall structure of code

  • Easy to lay out across thematic files
  • No futzing around with headers
  • Quick to be able to refactor
  • Decent error messages from compiler
  • Fast write-compile-run-iterate cycle


Normally a bore to do...

import (
func main() {
 cmd:=      flag.String("cmd",  "", "Required : {db|create|visualize|run|submit}")
 cmd_type:= flag.String("type", "", "create:{fake_training_data|training_set_transitions|synthetic_transitions}, db:{test|insert_problems}, visualize:{data|ga}, submit:{kaggle|fakescore}")
 delta :=   flag.Int("delta", 0, "Number of steps between start and end")

 if *cmd=="db" {
  /// ./reverse-gol -cmd=db -type=test
  if *cmd_type=="test" {
 if *cmd=="create" {
  /// ./reverse-gol -cmd=create -type=synthetic_transitions -delta=5
  if *cmd_type=="synthetic_transitions" {
   if *delta<=0 {
    fmt.Println("Need to specify '-delta=%d' to identify which stats to generate")
   main_create_stats(*delta, false)

Multi-core processing

Initial mental hurdle... Then "Just Works"

// http://devcry.heiho.net/2012/07/golang-masterworker-in-go.html
type Work struct {
 id int
 i,n int
 is_training bool
 steps int
 lps *LifeProblemSet
 number_of_times_to_run_this_id int

func problem_worker_for_queue(worker_id int, queue chan *Work) {
 var wp *Work
 for {
  // get work item (pointer) from the queue
  wp = <-queue
  if wp == nil {
  id := wp.id
  fmt.Printf("worker #%d: received work :: %5d\n", worker_id, id)
  for i:=0; i< wp.number_of_times_to_run_this_id; i++ {
   seed := get_unprocessed_seed_from_db(id, wp.is_training)
   fmt.Printf("(%5d/%5d) Running problem[%d].steps=%d (seed=%d)\n", wp.i, wp.n, id, wp.steps, seed)
   individual_result := create_solution(wp.lps.problem[id], wp.lps)
   save_solution_to_db(id, wp.steps, seed, individual_result, wp.is_training)

func solve_list_of_problems_and_write_to_db(steps int, problem_list []int, is_training bool) {  
 var kaggle LifeProblemSet
 kaggle.load_csv(is_training, problem_list)
 n_problems := len(problem_list)
 queue := make(chan *Work)

 ncpu := runtime.NumCPU()
 if n_problems < ncpu {
  ncpu = n_problems

 // spawn workers
 for i := 0; i < ncpu; i++ {
  go problem_worker_for_queue(i, queue)

 for i, id := range problem_list {
  wp := Work{
   i:i, n:n_problems,
  /* ... rate calculations ... */
  fmt.Printf("master   : hand out work :: %5d -- %5d/%5d ETA: %s  Rate=%2dm/1000 (delta=%d)\n", id, i, n_problems, eta, rate_per_1000/60, steps)
  queue <- &wp

 // all work is done
 // push ncpu*nil on the queue so that each worker will receive signal that there is no more work
 for n := 0; n < ncpu; n++ {
  queue <- nil

Database stuff

  • Used MySQL driver "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
  • Not so obvious how to connect :
    db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "reverse-gol:reverse-gol@tcp(square.herald:3306)/reverse-gol")
  • Straight MySQL
  • Easy to do Prepared Statements, Query, iterate, etc
  • Error handling a little tedious

Single file executable

  • This made running it on multiple machines easy
  • Can imagine delivering solution to client "setup-free"


  • Important element for me
  • Actually found a problem & tools that adsorbed all my attention
  • Glad to get back in the groove

Go : The Bad Bits

Object model :

  • Want to have separate object back-ends to common object front-end
  • ... and have direct access too
  • Found that I was fighting the system
  • (not satisfactorily resolved)

Modules & Files

  • Simple set-up for one-off scripts
  • But modularising forces a whole different layout
  • And this auto-git thing arrives just when you aren't interested in it

Randomness and Non-Determinism

Made sure to fix random seeds consistently, but found a couple of sources of non-determinism anyway...


  • Reading values from Set / Map is rather random
  • Need to establish separate random number sources for concurrent instruction flows



Back to Kaggle...

Leaderboard dynamics

  • Can submit 5 times a day for 'approx' score
  • Because scores deterministic, can 'hide' in low rankings
  • Don't want to show actual 'strength' until last moment

One wrong turn, and ...

  • To eliminate 5-submissions-per-day bottle-neck, I implemented scoring locally (and cross-checked)
  • 3 days to go : Suddenly started to score incredibly well
  • Confidence soaring, decided to 'lie low' until last moment
  • 6 hours to go - submitted 'tease' solution ...
  • ... actual score was TERRIBLE!

What went wrong?

... Scramble to the finish

  • Two different parts of program coincidentally used identical #s of RNDs to build models
  • Hyper-unlikely (but avoidable)
  • So my excellent scores were because my GA mutator had been shown the true result before...

Final scramble: Cobble together enough untainted data...

The Winners

(Out of 142 teams)

  1. "Miranda" : 0.10490
    • Exhaustive search up to n=10
    • 2 months continuous 6-core machine
  2. "Martin O'Leary" : 0.10777
    • 72 billion grids, 12-core machine, up to n=8
  3. "Cromarty Rockall" : 0.11009
    • 200 billion grids, up to n=7
  4. "jgans" : 0.11066
    • OpenMP/MPI Cluster with 376 cores, up to n=7
  5. ...
  6. "mdda" : 0.11968
    • No hard feelings ...


  • Go as a language...
    • Speed is compelling
    • Language feels more like Python than C++
    • Can absolutely understand people committing to it
  • Actually doing a Kaggle...
    • Not a particularly 'normal' competition
    • But lots of 'inner game'!
  • Go + Kaggle → Fun

Questions ?


Martin.Andrews @