Parsing English

in 600 lines of Scala

Martin Andrews / @redcatlabs

10 December 2014

Project Catalyst

  • My focus : Machine Learning
  • Wanted to do some Natural Language Processing
  • "Parsing English with 500 lines of Python"
    • Near state-of-the-art results
    • 'Simple' machine learning approach
    • Wanted to understand the codebase
  • Wanted something to do in Scala

ML for NLP?

  • I Am Not A Linguist
  • System must parse arbitrary sentences :
    • Part-of-Speech labels
    • Gramatical Dependency graph
  • Doing this allows one to identify relationships
  • Pre-cursor to other interesting stuff...

Quick Visualization

d3 Visualisation

What Kind of Code?

  • String manipulation (parsing/cleaning files)
  • Training Perceptron :
    • Generate Features (sliding window)
    • Map[, Map[, Map[Class,Score]]]
    • Score {+,-} based on training data
  • State machine (for dependency graph)
  • Save and Load trained models
  • Later : ZeroMQ and JSON

String Manipulation

def sentence(s0: String): Sentence = {
  // Protect unusual cases of '.'
  val s1 = s0.replaceAllLiterally("...", " #ELIPSIS# ")
             .replaceAll( """(\d)\.""", """$1#POINT#""")
             .replaceAll( """(\d+)(#POINT#?)(\d*)\.""", """ $1$2$3 """)

  val s2 = s1 // TODO: abbreviations such as 'U.S.' to be 'made immune'
  // Space out remaining unusual characters
  val space_out = List(",", ".", ":", ";", "$", "&", "\"", "''", "``", "'t", "'m", "'ve", "'d", "(", ")")
  val s3 = space_out.foldLeft(s2){ 
    (str, spaceme) => str.replaceAllLiterally(spaceme, " "+spaceme+" ") 
  val s4 = s3.replaceAllLiterally( """#POINT#""", """.""")
             .replaceAllLiterally("#ELIPSIS#", "...")
  val s5 = s4 // Undo the abbreviation immunity hack
  s5.split("""\s+""").filter( _.length()>0 )
                     .map( word => WordData(word) ).toList

Building Features

def get_features(word:List[Word], pos:List[ClassName], i:Int):Map[Feature,Score] = {
  val feature_set = Set( 
    Feature("bias",       ""),  
    Feature("word",       word(i)),
    Feature("w suffix",   word(i).takeRight(3)),
    Feature("w pref1",    word(i).take(1)),
    Feature("tag-1",      pos(i-1)),
    Feature("tag-2",      pos(i-2)),
    Feature("tag-1-2",    s"${pos(i-1)} ${pos(i-2)}"),
    Feature("w,tag-1",    s"${word(i)} ${pos(i-1)}"),
    Feature("w-1",        word(i-1)),
    Feature("w-1 suffix", word(i-1).takeRight(3)),
    Feature("w-2",        word(i-2)),
    Feature("w+1",        word(i+1)),
    Feature("w+1 suffix", word(i+1).takeRight(3)),
    Feature("w+2",        word(i+2))
  // All weights on this set of features are ==1 f => (f, 1:Score) ).toMap

Training Perceptron

def update(truth:ClassNum, guess:ClassNum, features:Iterable[Feature])
          : Unit = { // Hmmm ..Unit..
  seen += 1
  if(truth != guess) {
    for {
      feature <- features
    } {
      learning.getOrElseUpdate(, mutable.Map[FeatureData, ClassToWeightLearner]() )
      var this_map = learning(, mutable.Map[ClassNum, WeightLearner]() )
      if(this_map.contains(guess)) {
        this_map.update(guess, this_map(guess).add_change(-1))
      this_map.update(truth, this_map.getOrElse( truth, WeightLearner(0,0,seen) ).add_change(+1))
      learning( = this_map

State Machine

case class CurrentState(i:Int, stack:List[Int], parse:ParseState) {
  def transition(move:Move):CurrentState = move match {
    // i either increases and lengthens the stack, 
    case SHIFT => CurrentState(i+1, i::stack, parse)
    // or stays the same, and shortens the stack, and manipulates left&right 
    case RIGHT => CurrentState(i, stack.tail, parse.add(stack.tail.head, stack.head))
    case LEFT  => CurrentState(i, stack.tail, parse.add(i, stack.head))              

  def valid_moves:Set[Move] = List[Move](  // only depends on stack_depth
    if(i < parse.n    )  SHIFT else INVALID,
    if(stack.length>=2)  RIGHT else INVALID,
    if(stack.length>=1)  LEFT  else INVALID // Original version
  ).filterNot( _ == INVALID ).toSet

Save / Load

override def toString():String = {
  s"perceptron.seen=[$seen]\n" +{ case (feature_name, m1) => {{ case (feature_data, cn_feature) => {{ case (cn, feature) => {

External File Parse

def read_CONLL(path:String): List[Sentence] = {
  val source =
  val sections = source.split("\\n\\n").toList
  val sentences =
    s => {
      val lines = s.split("\\n").toList
      val body  = l => {
        val arr = l.split("\\s+")
        val (raw, pos, dep) = (arr(0), arr(1), arr(2).toInt)
        val dep_ex = if(dep==0) (lines.length+1-1) else (dep-1)
        WordData(raw, pos, dep_ex)

TL/DR; Scala vs Python

  • Love :
    • Speed; Case classes; Pattern matching; Type-safety
  • Hate :
    • Compile Speed; Think vs Write
  • Meh : JVM
    • "Enterprise"
    • Current move is to un-VMing

DEMO #1 - Training

(terminal window)

[info] Part-of-Speech score :  100.0% :: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[info] Part-of-Speech score :  100.0% :: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[info] Part-of-Speech score :   97.6% :: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-
[info] Part-of-Speech score :   97.2% :: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-
[info] Part-of-Speech score :  100.0% :: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[info] Tagger Performance = Vector(
  0.8677285, 0.93278295, 0.9530913, 0.9655775, 0.9731564, 
  0.9771918, 0.98130906, 0.9853292, 0.9859664, 0.9888614
[success] Total time: 36 s, completed Dec 10, 2014 4:19:25 AM

All on GitHub : mdda

How does it 'feel'?

  • "Functional Programming" as a design goal :
    • Eliminate mutable-state code if possible
    • But sometimes mutable was quicker
  • Approach to code :
    • Thinking vs Acting
    • Compiling vs Debugging

DEMO #2 - Web Server

http:// /
user / prototype / parser / sentence

Web Page Main Image

http:// / upps

Good Stuff

  • Found Bugs in Python code! - due to 'thinking hard'
  • Learn to Love the Type System :
    • Case Classes, Pattern Matching
    • Create "Int" types, to get more type-safety
  • Set
  • Scala turned out to be faster (2x)

Bad Stuff

Other Impressions

  • Scala is very unconstrained :
    • ... compared to Python (or Go)
    • Is it the Perl of today?
  • Some DSL stuff may be too clever :
    • JSON parsing (multiple libraries)
    • Android dev : Scaloid vs Macroid

Extras : ZeroMQ server

  • Microservices architecture :
    • Basic HTTP REST over 0MQ
    • JSON parser from Play framework
    • Includes Broker and Client (Python)
  • Nice robustness + Portability


Everything "just works"

build.scala << "org.zeromq" % "jeromq" % "0.3.3"

import org.zeromq.ZMQ

val context = ZMQ.context(1)
val receiver = context.socket(ZMQ.REP)

val port = Try( args.last.toInt ).toOption.getOrElse(5560)

println(s"CGDS server - Connected to localhost:$port")


Many different JSON libraries

build.scala << "" %% "play-json" % "2.2.1"

val json = Json.parse(request)

val method = (json \ "method").asOpt[String] match {
  case Some(m) => if(List("POST", "GET").contains(m)) m else ""
  case _ => ""

val response = (json \ "path").validate[String] match {
  case path:JsSuccess[String] => 
    (method, path.get) match {
      case ("POST", "/redcatlabs/customer/api/v1.0/parse") =>
          parse_sentences(json \ "body")
      case (m,p) => 
          "status" -> 404,
          "body" -> s"Path '$p' not found for method '$m'"
  case path:JsError =>  
      "status" -> 500,
      "body" -> "Invalid path"

DEMO #3 - ZeroMQ

(terminal window)

> run server
[info] Running ConciseGreedyDependencyParser.Main server
[info] Tagger.Classes = [#,$,'',,,-LRB-,-RRB-,.,:,CC,CD,DT,EX,FW,IN,JJ,JJR, ...
[info] DependencyMaker.Classes = {SHIFT, RIGHT, LEFT}
[info] CGDS server - Connected to localhost:5560
[info] Received request: {
  "body": {"sentences": ["Between 1994 and 2000, Ms Ding ...
  "path": "/redcatlabs/customer/api/v1.0/parse", 
  "method": "POST"
[info] tagged = List(
  (Between,NNP), (#YEAR#,CD), (and,CC), (#YEAR#,CD), (,,,), 
  (Ms,NNP), (Ding,NNP), (worked,VBD), (in,IN), (the,DT), (Shenzhen,NNP), 
  (office,NN), (of,IN), (Yixing,VBG), (Silk-Linen,NNP), (Factory,NNP), ...


  • LOC slightly greater than Python
  • Speed 2x - but JVM has {+,-}
  • Understanding++, Trust in System++


Martin.Andrews @

http:// /
user / prototype / parser / sentence

( 'mdda' on GitHub! )